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Eyelash Grass and the Rush of the Plain, 2019-2020
Eyelash Grass and the Rush of the Plain, 2019-2020
Eyelash Grass and the Rush of the Plain, 2019-2020

Natalie Rae Good

Eyelash Grass and the Rush of the Plain, 2019-2020

$ 1600

Natalie Rae Good
Eyelash Grass and the Rush of the Plain, 2019-2020
Acrylic, toner, Xerox, and erasure on paper
51 ½ x 51 ½ inches

Beyond her ceramic sculptures, Good’s larger body of work is concerned with mapping and recording time and its passage, earthly cycles, wind, memory, and the compulsion to assert power over the natural world.

In this large work on paper, Good uses an unusual Xerox rubbing technique to transfer photocopies of grasses to cotton rag paper. Acrylic paint in bold blue and yellow U-shapes make a visual connection to Good's U Lamp, while the grasses mirror her interest in areas where the natural world meets the industrial, designed world as expressed in her large cyanotypes Waste Land, Iowa and Missouri River Blues.