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U Lamp, 2020
U Lamp, 2020
U Lamp, 2020
U Lamp, 2020

Natalie Rae Good

U Lamp, 2020

$ 1960

Natalie Rae Good
U Lamp, 2020
Stoneware, wood, metal, faux fur, ballast, florescent bulb
27 1/2 x 14 x 8 1/2 inches

In Natalie Rae Good’s ceramic light works, repurposed kitchen bulbs are transform into design objects.

U Lamp is a black glazed stoneware lamp with a large U-shaped florescent bulb emerging from a bed of black faux fur. The lamp is 14 inches at the base, and 27 1/2 inches tall.

Formally a Marfa, Texas resident, Natalie Rae Good lives and works in New Mexico.